Thursday, March 25, 2010

Demonstration Speech Self Evaluation

Overall, I really enjoyed my demonstration speech and I found preparing and delivering it to be a very positive experience. When I watched my speech after giving it, I was happy to find out that I didn't leave out any important material and my explanations of the processes that go into making a clay cup were clear and concise. Throughout the speech, I could hear myself pretty well most of the time however there were times when I was demonstrating steps that I had my head down and it was difficult to hear me. As always, I could have used more eye contact but I thought the amount of eye contact I had was appropriate within the context of the speech. In the end I was very pleased because even thought I felt nervous at the beginning, I didn't think that that came across in the video. The only major aspect of my speech that I would change at this point would be increasing my volume and using a bit more eye contact. Other than that, I appeared confident and the explanations given were easy to understand.
In terms of my visual aid, I believe it was very effective in helping me communicate the steps of making a clay cup. It was a bit hard to see the different steps at times just because the slab of clay was on the table but it was very helpful to have all of the materials there. Next time, I would choose to hold up the pieces more often so that the audience could see them better or maybe I could pass around some finished pieces so that my classmates could have a better idea of what is going on.

Ultimately, I really enjoyed this speech experience and I would definitely choose to give another speech on this topic again. It is something that I am really passionate about and it was a lot of fun to show my classmates. I feel much more confident in my speech delivery skills and I look forward to improving those skills during our next speech.

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